All dates from the booking form are prioritized. Expect a response within 5 hours. Same Day Appointments are available for new clients as long as there's a 3 hour advanced booking with deposit confirmation.
I value discretion, but my need for transparency comes first I don't accept board handles or references to speed up verification. Your cooperation is expected. My screening is at its easiest in 3 required steps unless you inquire otherwise
Deposit options:
1, All clients will be asked to provide a copy of valid photo ID (driver’s license, identification card, or passport) unobstructed and un-blurred.
Attach ID to email or send via text.
Encrypted options available via Protonmail.
2. Matching selfie
Three Options for Requirement 3...
a. I require a Linkedin profile with a profile picture and at least 30 connections.
b. Employment Verification - This option is for those who have a published title/position within their company available online. Provide the link to your employer information.
c. Or if the above don't suffice employment verification options don't work, you may upload a pay stub or tax return within the last 2 years. My point here is I only want to deal with tax paying suitors after all I pay mine